
New Android N comes with emergency info screen

As you probably heard, Google made a developer build for the upcoming Android N OS available, a little earlier than expected this year and since then, Android tinkerers, us included, have been busy playing around with the early version.

And while some new features were apparent and nicely detailed in Google's release notes, there are naturally quite a few little things hidden here and there to be discovered. One such interesting feature, that we didn't cover in our initial features overview is a new emergency information screen.

What it is, is basically a way for you to store vital personal info, so it can be easily available to anyone who picks up your phone in case of emergency. And this time around, Google has made it a little bit more elaborate than the already available emergency lock screen message.

The feature allows you to enter personal info like your name, address and date of birth, but also vital medical facts, like blood type, known allergies and any other special condition you may have or medication you may be on. This could be invaluable to a first response or medical team in case of a crisis. It never hurts to be prepared.

You can setup the info insider the Android N Developer build under Settings > User in the menu or by opting to go through additional steps at the end of the initial device setup process. Currently the menu only has the Emergency info option listed, which leaves room for more interesting new features yet to come. Once set up, the info can be brought up by a couple of taps on the "Emergency" button that appears on the lock screen of the device and is naturally accessible regardless of the lock security in place.

It is also worth noting that since Android N is still very much in its infancy when it comes to public builds and exposure, the feature might be altered or even dropped at any point.
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'Tunde Ojedokun is an Editor working for Lappyphone, he loves technology. You can't see him without a gadget. .


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